Pan Yan

I am on the job market. Here is my CV (updated on January 6 2025). My job application material is available upon request. 

I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Arizona since August 2022. My mentor is Hang Xue

I obtained my PhD degree from Ohio State University in May 2022 under the supervision of Jim Cogdell. Before that, I completed my Master's degree from Oklahoma State University under the supervision of Mahdi Asgari

My research interests lie in the areas of number theory and representation theory, in particular automorphic forms and L-functions. My research is supported by an AMS-Simons Travel Grant.  

In Fall 2024, I am teaching MATH 313 Online. I am serving as a co-organizer (with Serin Hong) for the Algebra and Number Theory Seminar at UofArizona,  a coordinator for the Mathematics Grader Program and a mentor for the Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) Program.


Office: MATH 319